Founder/Head Coach

Cary Lyon

While lifeguarding in Ocean City, Coach Cary started playing Beach Volleyball at the age of 19 and became "hooked" on the sport. 

Many years later, after raising a family, he started coaching his daughters at CHEN [Christian Home Educator Network]. That  home schoolers of Maryland team, called the 'Bravehearts',  won a National Championship in Omaha, Nebraska in 2001.  

Coach Cary's  resume includes: 

3 Coach of the Year awards (2001, 2005, 2013), 4A State Championship '13,  20 years coaching Elite Club teams, 24 years coaching High School, 2 years coaching college, CAP I and II certification, and GM2 certification with participation in 20 GM2 clinics (many as an instructor).

His passion is to teach, tutor and train athletes to achieve their dreams while encouraging them to work hard and dream big.